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Parenting Progress Worksheet: Regaining Control and Structure

This worksheet is designed to help you track your progress in implementing structure, consistency, and discipline in your parenting approach. Use it to reflect on your current parenting practices and make necessary adjustments to create a healthier, more harmonious family environment. The goal is to apply André’s 11 Commandments of Parenting while also tracking progress in a way that measures both quantitative and qualitative aspects of your efforts.


Step 1: Reflect on the Current Situation


• What are the main challenges you’re currently facing with your child’s behavior?

• Example: Tantrums, refusing to listen, sibling rivalry, etc.

 • What is your child’s typical response when you try to set boundaries or discipline them?

• Example: Resistance, negotiation, meltdown, etc.

• How do you currently respond to these challenges?

• Example: Give in to demands, raise your voice, set consequences but don’t follow through, etc.


Step 2: Implement the 11 Commandments of Parenting


Start applying the 11 Commandments over the next few weeks. Below is a tracking chart to document your consistency in implementing these strategies.


Tracking Chart





















Step 3: Qualitative Assessment


At the end of each week, reflect on the following:

• What improvements have you noticed in your child’s behavior?

• How did applying consistency, boundaries, and structure affect your family’s overall

• Which of the 11 Commandments of Parenting was the hardest to implement, and


• What changes did you notice in your own emotional state as you applied more
structure and discipline?


Step 4: Quantitative Progress Tracking

Rate the following from 1-10 each week:
















Step 5: Adjust and Improve


Based on the progress you tracked:


​• What strategies worked well, and how can you continue using them?

• What didn’t work as well, and how can you adjust your approach?

• What new goals do you have for the next week or month of parenting?

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