Exploring Your Parenting Heritage
Before we start understanding our children’s behavior, it’s important to reflect on how we were raised and how that influences our parenting style. This week, we’ll dive deep into unpacking your own childhood experiences.
Task 1: Reflect on Your Childhood
1. What was the most common emotion you felt as a child?
( ) Loved
( ) Supported
( ) Overprotected
( ) Misunderstood
( ) Other: ____
2. How did your parents respond when you made mistakes?
3. Were there specific phrases your parents used frequently that have stayed with you? Do you find yourself repeating these?
Task 2: Identifying Patterns
1. Think of a recent moment where you reacted strongly to your child. What happened?
2. After reflecting, do you believe your reaction was about the present situation or something from your past?
( ) Present
( ) Past
3. What would you like to change about your reaction in a similar future situation?
Task 3: Unpacking Emotional Triggers
1. What was the situation?
2. What emotion did you feel?
3. Can you link this feeling to a similar situation in your own childhood?
4. What can you do differently next time?
Final Reflection
1. What’s one thing from your childhood that you’d like to keep in your parenting?
2. What’s one thing you want to leave behind?
Progress Tracker
After completing this worksheet, reflect on the progress you’ve made. Use this section to track your insights, the completion of tasks, and areas for further growth.
Quantitative Tracking
1. How much progress have you made in identifying patterns from your childhood that influence your parenting?
On a scale of 1-5 (1 = Little progress, 5 = Significant progress):
( ) 1
( ) 2
( ) 3
( ) 4
( ) 5
2. How confident do you feel in applying what you’ve learned to change future reactions?
On a scale of 1-5 (1 = Not confident, 5 = Very confident):
( ) 1
( ) 2
( ) 3
( ) 4
( ) 5
3. How often were you able to notice emotional triggers and take steps to manage them this week?
On a scale of 1-5 (1 = Rarely, 5 = Frequently):
( ) 1
( ) 2
( ) 3
( ) 4
( ) 5
Qualitative Tracking
1. What was the most insightful realization you had while completing this worksheet?
2. How do you feel your parenting approach will change as a result of this reflection?
3. What actions are you planning to take to continue working on your emotional triggers?