Closing and Tracking of Goal
Worksheet: Evaluating Your Progress with the Raising Mavericks Course
This worksheet is designed to help you reflect on your experience with the course and evaluate how well it has met your parenting objectives. Your honest feedback will help you measure your progress and provide valuable insights for continuous improvement.
Part 1: Quantitative Feedback
Rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5:
1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree
Part 2: Qualitative Feedback
Reflect on your experience by answering the following questions:
1. What was the most valuable lesson or strategy you learned from this course?
(E.g., communication techniques, discipline methods, or fostering intrinsic motivation.)
2. How have you seen your child(ren) grow or change as a result of applying the
course principles?
(E.g., greater emotional resilience, improved communication, or better self-regulation.)
3. What specific challenges do you feel more equipped to handle now?
(E.g., managing tantrums, encouraging independence, or addressing emotional struggles.)
4. Were there any areas of the course that you felt could be improved or expanded
(E.g., more examples, additional resources, or focus on a particular parenting challenge.)
5. What are your next steps in continuing to apply what you’ve learned from this
(E.g., setting new goals, creating routines, or deepening family connections.)
Part 3: Reaching Your Objectives
Revisit your initial goals for the course and evaluate your
Part 4: Final Reflection
Reflect on your growth as a parent:
1. What personal growth have you experienced through this course?
(E.g., increased patience, better communication, or feeling more in control.)
2. How has your relationship with your child(ren) evolved during this journey?
(E.g., stronger connection, more open dialogue, or greater mutual respect.)
3. What is one thing you’re most proud of as a parent after completing this course?
Part 5: Overall Satisfaction
Rate your overall satisfaction with the course on a scale of 1 to
• 1 = Not Satisfied at All, 10 = Extremely Satisfied
Rating: ______
Would you recommend this course to other parents? (Yes/No):
Any additional feedback or comments: