My Journey
My Journey
Welcome, and thank you for being here. I’d like to share a bit of my personal story with you, a story that has deeply shaped who I am and the work I do today.
From a very young age, I’ve always felt a deep connection to something greater—a closeness to God, creation, and the energy that flows through all of us. Even as a child, I had this inner knowing that what we see and attach to in our human experience isn’t the whole picture. Despite the tangible reality of our physical bodies and the world around us, I sensed that we are, at our core, magical and extraordinary beings.
But growing up, this knowing existed alongside a much different reality. I was raised in a household where both of my parents, though sensitive souls, struggled deeply with feeling safe in the world. Their anxiety and depression led them to seek solace in alcohol at times, which only fueled violent arguments and heartbreaking threats of suicide—often in front of my sisters and me. The evenings were filled with domestic violence, and the days were marked by a painful silence between them, leaving me constantly anxious and worried as a child. I remember struggling to concentrate in school, my mind consumed with fears for my mother’s safety, whether my parents would stay together, and what the night might bring.
Yet, amidst this turmoil, I also witnessed moments of genuine love and connection between my parents—moments that made the conflicts all the more painful. I saw the love they had for each other and for us, their children, which only deepened the confusion and hurt when things turned dark. During these difficult times, I was also taken advantage of by adults in ways that left me feeling confused, ashamed, and unsure about relationships.
Through all of this, I found refuge in a different kind of connection—a spiritual one. I spent many of my childhood years seeking solace in the presence of God, angels, guides, and what I felt as my galactic family. These experiences became my true home, a space beyond the veil where I felt peace, unconditional love, and safety—everything that was missing from my physical surroundings. This connection became my sanctuary, a place where I could retreat whenever fear, confusion, or violence surrounded me. I learned to tap into my heart, to that deep well of love and safety within me, whenever the world around me felt too overwhelming.
Today, when I work with people in therapy, I don’t just see the person sitting in front of me—I see the whole of who they truly are. I know that we are all perfect, sovereign, and healed at our core. My work is about helping people reconnect with that truth, guiding them to realize that it’s their thoughts and beliefs that have kept them from fully embracing their true selves. I believe in the power of each person to rediscover their magic, to step back into their own light, and to live from that place of deep inner knowing.