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MGTOW and Online Misogyny: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) and Systemic Psychotherapists' accounts of what they could learn from MGTOW

Swanepoel, André (2023) MGTOW and Online Misogyny: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) and Systemic Psychotherapists' accounts of what they could learn from MGTOW. Doctoral thesis, University of Essex & Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.


Women are increasingly victims of domestic violence and hate perpetrated by men. This study analyses the discourse on various forms of violence that are commonly expressed in the online group, MGTOW, (men going their own way) to help systemic psychotherapists understand and better treat those who display misogyny. There is a need for systemic psychotherapists to know what discourses have informed men, leading them to feel it is okay to participate in hate speech. Therapists need an understanding of how MGTOW feel about sensitive issues and how they rationalise their abusive language and attitudes towards women. This knowledge will help therapists to support MGTOW men towards more integrated and healthy relationships with women. Discourse was explored using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis to address the following research questions (RQs): RQ 1: What can systemic psychotherapists learn from MGTOW to help with therapy and to be more sensitive to contemporary male gender identity? RQ 2: What are the discourses that therapists hold concerning MGTOW? RQ 3: What discourses are constructed between MGTOW? RQ 4: How can MGTOW contribute to healthy attitudes and behaviours towards themselves, women, and men? I examined these questions by observing the online discourse of MGTOW on the MGTOW website. Following reflection on the discourses, I interviewed eight systemic psychotherapists about them. The study highlighted the construction of masculinity: boys and men do not become misogynistic independently but within the context of relationships, communities, and societies. As they grow up, certain experiences make them believe that they should be different from their authentic expression of self. MGTOW are vulnerable and their anger demonstrates fear of loss and a deficiency. MGTOW in this study perceived strength in being apart and having the ability to overpower others, as reflected in the culturally dominant discourse amongst MGTOW.


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